Friday, May 2, 2014

- Fresh In Friday: Ready for the Sun -

Happy Friday, everyone! I will be starting something called 'Fresh In Friday' on, well, Friday's and it will showcase my most recent buys and hopefully be accompanied with reviews. I wish I could post these every Friday, but unfortunately, my bank account does not support all my wishful thinking.

 Left to Right:  
One Teaspoon shorts (similar here) 
Vince sneakers (similar here)

I wish I could tell you guys about the Frank coffee scrub, but I haven't had the chance to try it since I received it in the mail. I've heard nothing but great reviews for it though, so I am very excited to witness the wonders it will do to my skin. If I were to recommend my top three items out of this batch, they would be: 1) Vince sneakers 2) One Teaspoon shorts and 3) Buxom lipstick. The sneakers are extremely comfortable, but being that they are leather and black means that it does get hot when temperatures are high. No complaints whatsoever about the One Teaspoon shorts, except that they sell out so quickly everywhere! I was so desperate for these that I ordered them for the One Teaspoon website and paid more for shipping and an international fee. Lastly, I bought the Buxom lipstick in Athens and I absolutely adore it. A bonus is the the tingling feeling that Buxom products give to my lips. These three things are a few necessities for the summer, because who doesn't need more denim shorts, candy colored lips, and sneakers?


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